Environmental Health Sciences founder will join the Healthy Materials Lab at Parsons School of Design for a live podcast on the world's plastic problem. The EPA is not acting as Congressional laws have stated: truly inspecting chemicals and how they impact the environment. We're being exposed to multiple contaminants. Environmental Health News.
Powered by RebelMouse. Apr 09, Environmental toll of plastics. Take action: download our free guide to tackling plastic pollution. By downloading this guide you will also be subscribed to our weekly Plastic Pollution newsletter. You may opt out at any time. Full Name. Plastic manufactured in the first 10 years of this century eclipses the total produced in the entire last century pxfuel.
For example: Chemicals added to plastics are absorbed by human bodies. Some of these compounds have been found to alter hormones or have other potential human health effects. Plastic debris, laced with chemicals and often ingested by marine animals, can injure or poison wildlife. Floating plastic waste, which can survive for thousands of years in water, serves as mini transportation devices for invasive species, disrupting habitats.
Plastic buried deep in landfills can leach harmful chemicals that spread into groundwater. Around 4 percent of world oil production is used as a feedstock to make plastics, and a similar amount is consumed as energy in the process.
High BPA and phthalate exposure by premature infants in neonatal intensive care units is 'of great concern' Flickr. The plastics industry maintains that its products are safe after decades of testing. Current testing efforts should be thrown out. The new goal? Tests that mimic real human exposure. Amy Soto "It's a very complicated picture and the laboratory model of just taking one isolated chemical and giving it to a genetically pure strain of rats in clean cages, clean air and clean water and seeing what it does just doesn't come close to mimicking the human situation," Swan said.
Plastics as a major user of fossil fuels pxfuel. A responsible way to help solve environmental problems pxfuel. GET IT! Mother Nature herself has a number of clever innovations that we are only beginning to discover and to understand. For example, there is evidence that at least some animals, such as caterpillars link , manage to provide homes to their own special collection of gut microbes that can biodegrade at least some sorts traditionally non-biodegradable plastics -- a discovery that could lead to innovations in truly recycling plastics.
Hopefully these new innovations and discoveries will inspire yet more creative thinkers to harness the power of their imaginations, perhaps assisted by vast armies of microbes, so we can re-purpose apparently immortal plastics into other useful forms -- maybe even a few more rubber duckies -- whilst preventing the escape of damaging CO2 and CH4 into the atmosphere. This is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by clicking here.
More From Forbes. Jul 23, , am EDT. Jul 15, , am EDT. Jul 8, , am EDT. Jul 1, , am EDT. Jul 20, , am EDT. Jul 19, , am EDT. Jul 18, , am EDT. Jul 17, , am EDT.
Jul 16, , am EDT. Edit Story. Apr 23, , pm EDT. If you think companies can be more careful about this situation, we as a whole can change their actions. We can choose more sustainable alternatives, which in the end will change the whole industry. The material we have developed is a great alternative to plastic.
For more information, check out our website! Bist du widerruflich mit der Nutzung von Cookies auf unserer Seite einverstanden? Unsere Wirkung. Instagram Facebook Twitter Linkedin. Why exactly is plastic harmful? Here is how fossil fuel-based plastics harm the earth. Plastic was invented by mistake! Why have plastics become so dangerous for our planet? How plastic pollution destroys the environment Plastic waste is distributed all over the environment through so many variable factors. Plastic waste damages oceans, land, the wildlife and humanity Estimations showed that yearly around 12 million tons of plastic goes to oceans.
What can be done by us? We should participate individually to: Choosing to forgo straws, avoiding single-use plastic items such as plastic bottles Using reusable shopping bags over single use Eliminating the use of single use plastic cutlery Make your voice heard! But it isn't always easy to know when you're buying plastic. It can be present in crisp packets , coffee cups and even teabags.
Sign up to our emails to keep up to date with our campaigns and how you can get involved, including whether you can help with a donation. Plastic pollution How to reduce plastic in the ocean Sign the petition now.
How long does plastic "live" for? Why we need a plastics law. Put a stop to pointless plastic. Sign the petition now. How does plastic harm the environment?
Our reliance on plastic therefore prolongs our demand for these dirty fuels. Burning plastics in incinerators also releases climate-wrecking gases and toxic air pollution.
How is plastic made? Plastic in the food chain Scientists have detected tiny plastics smaller than 5mm in salt, beer , seafood and human stools.
Are microfibres in our food chain? What is Friends of the Earth doing?