Can you use a vintage license plate

If you sign up for FasTrak, you get a transponder for your vehicle and can pay the tolls electronically. For these roads, no one gets access for free other than law enforcement officers while they are patrolling, said Transportation Corridor Agencies spokeswoman Lisa Telles. So, no, there are no discounts for drivers of electric vehicles on those highways.

With the 91 Express Lanes the mile toll road along the 91 Freeway between the 55 Freeway and 91 Freeway Interchange and the 91 interchange with the 15 , it depends. All vehicles using the 91 Express Lanes also must display a FasTrak transponder linked to a valid account. This link — www. Special Access Accounts are available for 91 Express Lanes customers who always drive with three or more people in their vehicle, drive a motorcycle, a pure zero-emission vehicle as certified by the California Air Resources Board, or have a disabled veteran or disabled person license plate issued by the DMV.

The same holds true if the plate number matches that of a currently registered motorcycle. You should clear the number with the DMV or Secretary of State before buying expensive old plates at a swap meet. In Ontario , for example, a collector discovered that it was possible to buy a pair of s license plates with a number that was reused in the s.

This is the case in Illinois , which permits YOM plates from any state as long as the regular plates in the car are Illinois plates. Some states charge an additional fee for the use of YOM plates. Start by using an Internet search engine like Yahoo! Year-of-Manufacture Plates John Gunnell. Hagerty covers all kinds of collector cars, trucks and modified vehicles. Get an insurance quote. Sign In. Antique license plates.

Things you should know: A vehicle with Antique license plates can only be driven for special occasions, such as display and parade purposes, or for necessary testing, maintenance and storage purposes. The registration is valid while the vehicle is owned by the applicant without the payment of any additional fee.


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