When you homeschool, you may be under scrutiny from your family, friends and community. As it often happens, after much intense pressure and scrutiny , Jessica Simpson's marriage to fellow singer Nick Lachey ended. Where you live will have a considerable impact on whether your relationship experiences public scrutiny.
Moreover, the substance of Shaftesbury's main argument was adopted by Butler, though it could not pass the scrutiny of that powerful and cautious intellect without receiving important modifications and additions.
Overly aware of his intent scrutiny , Jessi tried to act normal as she pulled a paring knife free from the block of sleek knives and sliced through the lemon. Every item of the evidence was naturally subjected to the closest scrutiny , but at last the conservatives were forced reluctantly to confess themselves beaten.
The days of scrutiny varied at different periods from three to seven. He felt the weight of that resolute and affectionate scrutiny and glanced at her occasionally.
A closer scrutiny of the writers of all ages who preceded Charles Darwin, and, in particular, the light thrown back from Darwin on the earlier writings of Herbert Spencer, have made plain that without Darwin the world by this time might have come to a. No biological generalization rests on a wider series of observations, or has been subjected to a more critical scrutiny than that every living organism has come into existence from a living portion or portions of a pre-existing organism.
All bills passed by the legislature were subjected to the governor's laborious personal scrutiny , and the veto power was used without fear or favour.
As in the political world the states gained first the undisputed control of matters secular, rejecting even the proffered counsel of the Church, and then proceeded to establish their sovereignty over the Church itself, so was it in the empire of the mind, The rights gained for independent research were extended over the realm of religion also; the two indeed cannot remain separate, and man must subordinate knowledge to the authority of religion - or make science supreme, submitting religion to its scrutiny and judging it like other phenomena.
The evidence of airaf Eupi p. No doubt careful microscopic scrutiny of the minute anatomy of the leaves of plants grown under various conditions would reveal further adaptations of structure to external conditions of climate.
It wasn't the same type of scrutiny as Talon's feral, maniacal look. Those whose physique and character were satisfactory, and who had taken care of their horses and equipments, were bidden to lead their horse on traducere equum , those who failed to pass the scrutiny were ordered to sell it, in token of their expulsion from the corps.
The text of Hosea may be in a much worse condition, but a keen scrutiny discloses many an uncertainty, not to say impossibility, in the traditional form of Amos.
From about the beginning of the 12th century, when it became usual to baptize infants soon after their birth instead of at stated times Easter and Pentecost , the ceremony of scrutiny was incorporated with that of the actual baptism. The most searching scrutiny of his private life only increases the respect due to the memory of Grattan as a statesman and the greatest of Irish orators. It was at first announced that he had been returned by two votes; but a scrutiny eventually seated his Conservative opponent, who became afterwards Mr.
Justice Ridley. Previous legislative sanction for both expenditure and receipts in all their particular forms is absolutely necessary; so is thorough scrutiny of the actual application of the funds provided. National budgets are to be discriminated r as budgets passing under parliamentary scrutiny and debate from year to year, and 2 budgets emitted on executive authority. Their figures were subjected to a severe scrutiny , and the law was laid down on all points in which the interests of the sheriff and the king, or the sheriff and the taxpayer, came into conflict.
Such a body can be made known to us only when in the neighbourhood of an incandescent body; and even then, unless its mass or its dimensions are considerable, it will evade all the scrutiny of our science. Beginning at his dusty oxfords and indigo blue jeans, her scrutiny continued up to a neatly tucked in worn white cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to mid arm.
I set about showing Molly some of our Econ Scrutiny simple chores and she was immediately interested. Her face grew hot under his scrutiny , and she was grateful for the face paint covering her blush. She assessed him again and shifted under his scrutiny before looking away. Moreover, heresies are not to be confounded with tentative and faulty hypotheses broached in a period prior to the scrutiny of a topic of Christian doctrine, and before that scrutiny has led the general mind to an assured conclusion.
Just as at the third scrutiny the early catechumen passed a last examination in the Gospels, Creed and Lord's Prayer, so after their year of abstinence the credens receives creed and prayer; the allocution with which the elder "handed on" this prayer is preserved, and of it the Abbe Guiraud remarks that, if it were not in a Cathar ritual, one might believe it to be of Catholic origin.
The lists are conclusive of the right to vote at an election, although on election petition involving a scrutiny the vote of a person disqualified by law may be struck off, notwithstanding the inclusion of his name in a list of voters.
A new epoch of investigation was inaugurated by John Forster, who began a new scrutiny of the accumulated material and published his first volume in He was returned to the House of Commons in that year for the Irish borough of Carlow, and became a devoted admirer and adherent of Mr Gladstone; but he was practically a silent member, and his parliamentary career came to an end after the general election of , when, having headed the poll for Bridgnorth, he was unseated on a scrutiny ; he contested Bridgnorth again in , but without success.
Scrutiny is also a term applied to a method of electing a pope in the Roman Catholic church, in contradistinction to two other methods, acclamation and accession. But, nevertheless, the new light thrown upon the unity of the self and the more careful and accurate scrutiny made by recent psychologists of the phenomena of decision have rendered it no longer possible either for determinists to deny the fact of choice whatever be their theory as to its nature or for libertarians to regard the self or the will as isolated from and unaffected by other mental constituents and antecedents, and hence, by an appeal to wholly fictitious entities, to prove the truth of freedom.
The seeming anomaly of classifying as a single branch of science all that we know in a field so wide, while subdividing our knowledge of things on our own planet into an indefinite number of separate sciences, finds its explanation in the impossibility of subjecting the matter of the heavens to that experimental scrutiny which yields such rich results when applied to matter which we can handle at will.
O'Neill observed that scrutiny of government had become so intense that officials never could have gotten away with that—and he was writing in the late s. I performed all the infrequent and minimal tasks of Econ Scrutiny and handled any direct contact with Daniel Brennan. Fred O'Connor had arranged the affair and Dean had reluctantly agreed to subject himself to the scrutiny of the cream of the town's lady folk.
Are you going to insist that Howie admit to her what we're doing at Econ Scrutiny all day; not just counting sheep births and soy bean crops? I mention FactCheck and Snopes as two examples of the many enterprises on the Internet that subject every government utterance to scrutiny in something approximating real time.
It is only by the most careful scrutiny , or the exercise of the most piercing insight, that the imperfectly spelled Egyptian has been made to yield up one grammatical secret after another in the light brought to bear upon it from Coptic. Demotic grammar ought soon to be thoroughly comprehensible in its forms, and the study of Late Egyptian should not stand far behind that of demotic.
On the other hand, Middle Egyptian, and still mote Old Egyptian, which is separated from Middle Egyptian by a wide gap, will perhaps always be to us little more than consonantal skeletons, the flesh and blood of their vocalization being for the most part irretrievably lost. Though I wouldn't have believed it two weeks ago, peace of sorts prevails at Econ Scrutiny and with the lives of its employees.
Browse other sentences examples The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. However experienced and confident staff normally feel, subjecting their professional work to open scrutiny brings anxiety.
Efforts to stain paper artificially to give an appearance of age have little hope of withstanding careful scrutiny. It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? Sentences are more than just strings of words. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. Sentences build language, and give it personality. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences.
All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb this is also known as the predicate. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. The detectives hope the suspect will confess while under investigative scrutiny.
When the bank robber stared at her, the scared teller fainted from the scrutiny. Most Searched Words with Video. Heresy: In a Sentence. Gambit: In a Sentence. Pneumonia: In a Sentence. Vainglorious: In a Sentence. Otiose: In a Sentence. Mea Culpa: In a Sentence. Numinous: In a Sentence. Antonym: neglect. Similar words: tiny , cut in , put in , routine , cut into , routinely , brutal , in truth.
Random good picture Not show. Public scrutiny had brought civil servants out from the backroom and into the spotlight.