You will travel through dense forest, along granite mountain paths, and have views of a river and waterfall that will leave you in amazement. This is a challenging 7. It is a difficult rated trail, however, it does provide remarkable panoramic views of Yosemite Valley and the surrounding area.
Quick Navigation Toggle navigation. Photos Highlights Trails. Yosemite National Park Photo Gallery. Lower Yosemite Falls Trail This is a short 1-mile 1. Sentinel Dome Trail This is an easy rated 2. Vernal Falls Trail This is a moderate rated trail that ascends up 1, feet Half Dome Trail This is a mile Upper Yosemite Falls Trail This is a challenging 7.
Visiting Columbia Rock, located one mile up the trail, is a worthwhile trip at any time of year. The upper portion of this trail, which receives little to no sunlight in winter, can be very icy and slippery, or buried beneath feet of snow, making traction difficult. In winter, hiking in the colder early morning or late afternoon hours can be even more dangerous if the trail is icy. Drinking water is not available along the trail. A drinking fountain is available near the trailhead in Camp 4.
The Camp 4 parking area is for campers only, but there is parking at the Yosemite Falls parking area across the street from, and just beyond the entrance to Camp 4. The Valley Visitor Shuttle 7 am to 10 pm year-round serves the trailhead area. Ride the shuttle to stop 7 and walk directly across the street to Camp 4 and follow trailhead signs.
Pets , bicycles, and strollers are prohibited. Do not shortcut switchbacks, which causes rapid trail erosion and results in injuries. Keep your food within arm's reach at all times and do not feed the wildlife.
Carry out all trash and food waste fruit peels, shells, etc. Explore This Park. Yosemite National Park California. Category: Yosemite Attractions. Region: Yosemite Valley. Visit Website. Get Directions. Yosemite also features a 5,foot-tall rock called the Half Dome, which is shaped like—you guessed it! Before Yosemite was designated a national park in , the Miwok MEE-wuk tribes were living on the land. In fact, people have been living in this region for at least 8, years.
But the California Gold Rush in the s brought settlers into conflict with the Native American residents, pushing most of these people off their homeland. Yosemite National Park boasts bobcats, black bears, spotted owls, and kingsnakes. The park is also home to an arachnid called the Yosemite Cave Pseudoscorpion. This animal, which resembles a scorpion, is believed to exist only at Yosemite.
From its incredible rocks to its creepy-crawlies, this park has some seriously unique attractions. All rights reserved. Personality Quizzes. Funny Fill-In.