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Help Login Sign Up. Within this paper, the author explores the use and adaptation of a language specifically developed for and by a community of people who play computer games, using World of Warcraft as the specific research site. Leet speak or! Initially used by hackers those who illegally compromised software and termed as an 'elite' language shortened to 'leet' , it is most commonly used on World of Warcraft to highlight those who are "seeking entrance and acceptance into the game world, generally year olds" Blashki, However, despite this general opinion, the majority of North American gamers - over two million according to Blizzard Entertainment, the creators of World of Warcraft - still use this lexicon to communicate online.
However, what is the purpose of this bastardization of the English language, and what is it meant to convey? While online communication has been the focus of research for over a decade, online gaming communication has emerged only recently. Squire further suggests that the study of game playing communities requires further 'qualitative' explorations to uncover complex social structures that exist. To begin, one needs to have some familiarity with what World of Warcraft is.
Defined as a massive multi-player online roleplaying game MMORPG , it is a "rich, persistent alterative world, a medieval Matrix with lush graphics and even a seductive soundtrack. Once the decision is made as to what race a person would like to play, the next decision is what class: paladin, priest, warlock, mage, shaman, druid, warrior, hunter or rogue. This then is the image that the player sees and that other players see.
Once these decisions have been made, the player enters the game, and is instantly within the realm of the community. However, while this is similar to being at a party and just listening at the outskirts, one truly joins the community upon joining a guild.
Deep friendships are forged. Relationships begin that flower into marriage, with Tauren brides and Undead grooms tying the knot in some virtual tavern in Thunder Bluff. People no longer need to meet face to face to be friends, but rather, have something in common via the game itself and thereby create a society within the game. Speaking or actually writing in advanced leet takes time to master, but guarantees people unfamiliar with leet have a hard time reading it.
Advanced Leet is in fact a combination of Basic and Intermediate Leet, but uses punctuation marks for vowels as well. To put any of the above in perspective, you can use the Leet Speak Translator below to turn any text you'd like into Leet.
This translator converts normal words or text into leet speak. You can even select any of the four levels. The Leet Speak Translator makes it easier to actually talk in leet to others, since you only have to copy and paste text.
So go on, get your on, and start converting! When you start off learning leet speak, it quickly feels like the only way to communicate with fellow gamers. However, using leet speak exclusively in forums, games or other chat rooms is mostly looked down upon.
So it's best to just converse in normal English, and occasionally throw in some leet words or abbreviations. L33t sp34k ch34t sh33t. Start scrolling By Roald Craenen. Leet Speak Cheat Sheet Cheat your way from n00b to l33t 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h15 y0u r34lly n33d 70 4 l1f3!
Leet speak alphabet The leet speak alphabet in its simplest form substitutes vowels, but it can be pretty complex when substituting consonants as well. Numbers and leet speak It's not only letters that are substituted with numbers, numbers can be substituted by letters too.
Suffixes In addition to substituting letters and numbers, more advanced leet speak uses various suffixes. Leet speak vocabulary Of course any word or sentence can be transformed into leet speak, but there are some words unique to it. Bosses usually occur at the end of games, or at the end of crucial chapters of a game bot, NPC, monster, mobs Non-playable character, or a robot, is a character controlled by the computer Play bug, glitch An error in computer code that causes unwanted behavior bunny hop, bunny hopping Rapidly jumping up and down and moving all over the place so you're a more difficult target to kill camper A gamer that stays in the same spot, waiting for other players to walk by and then shooting them cheater Someone who doesn't play fair.
Often times unskilled players call skilled players l33ts cheaters, because they can't stand how good they really are. What's up! Used to describe jawdropping events that weren't anticipated Play patch A software update for a game that fixes bugs and glitches PC A playable character that is controlled by a real human being ph33r, ph34r Fear, as in "Fear me! An expression of great joy and happiness Play noobcannon, n00bc4nn0n A weapon that inflicts a lot of damage, but doesn't require much skill to use gibs, gibbed Wet bodily fragments, to gib someone is to kill someone and then the corpse explodes lag Slow internet connectivity, reducing response times and creating sluggish gameplay Play clan A group of gamers that teamed up and fight together kewl Cool Play sploitz Exploits, vulnerabilities in computer software abused by hackers spray, spraying Firing lots of bullets in the hope of killing someone, instead of aiming accurately ph4t, phat, ph Awesome or cool Play trolling Making fun of someone wallhack Cheat software that enables players to see and shoot through walls rank h00r, stat h00r Someone who cares too much his stats in a way that it affects his normal game play.
Abbreviations Leet speak has come a long way since the '80s and has evolved a bit over time.