When was the bhuj earthquake

Indeed, this M7. Therefore, the performance of structures in this area will offer important lessons particularly from the points of view of efficacy of Indian codes and construction practices.

While from an international standpoint, most of the damages now seen in the Kutch area may have already been known and documented after the past earthquakes across the world, experiences from here would serve as an excellent evidence for the Indian civil engineering community on the performance of its own traditional and modern constructions.

The following provides a quick rundown of the salient structural and geotechnical damages recorded during a reconnaissance survey to capture important lessons from the aftermath of the quake conducted during February by a EERI team of 16 investigators jointly headed by Professor Sudhir K. The investigators included geologists, seismologists, geophysicists, geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, and emergency managers.

A common site of destruction of the villages in the meizoseismal area. Also Read: Tight security for Republic Day celebrations, tractor parade. The earthquake shook the entire country, there was no electricity, water and communication for weeks when the region was struck by the 7.

On the 20th anniversary of the earthquake, we look at the tragedy in ten numbers: 7. Gujarat Earthquake !

Tarun Gogoi and 8 others from Assam among Padma awardees. In contrast, New Madrid is about km from the San Andreas, the nominal plate boundary.

These results are published as Stein, S. Sella, and E. Vulnerability is determined not only by geographical location, but also by the capability of the individual or household to cope with a disaster. It would be incorrect to presume that all families living in a village in rural Gujarat will not have the resources to cope.

Coordination during any relief response plays a crucial role in ensuring that it is effective. A genuine effort was made to coordinate the numerous NGOs in Gujarat, both among themselves, and with the government, which provided information regarding the size and population of villages.

In order to avoid duplication, relief organisations exchanged information among themselves regarding items being distributed and areas of coverage. The leading role in the coordination effort was taken up by Kutch Navnirman Abhiyan, a grouping of 14 NGOs that first came together during the cyclone. Little effort, however, was made to integrate the overwhelming private response to the disaster. It was heartening to see that people all over India and the world responded so quickly and sent whatever they could, but often the intended beneficiaries had no use for what was sent.

Relief items should meet the needs of the people they are intended for, and they should be culturally appropriate. In Gujarat, this was not always the case. Savlon disinfectant, for example, was distributed as part of hygiene kits.

But many women had no idea what it was supposed to be used for, and assumed it was hair oil. Some people received mosquito tents to live in, whereas others got proper tents that could house their entire family.

After the earthquake, local markets mysteriously started selling boxes of green and black grapes which happened to be from the same company , even though there had never before been any grape production or distribution in Gujarat. In Rapar, Bachau and Anjar, the block-level hospitals, primary health centres and sub-centres were flooded with oral rehydration solution, cotton wool, bandages and antibiotics. But the immediate need was for eye drops and disinfectant ointment, which no organisation seemed to have.

Workers had no choice but to improvise, which they did quite well. The choice of relief items depends on proposals designed by headquarters staff. In theory, feedback from staff based in the field is supposed to be incorporated into these proposals. But in reality, this does not seem to be happening. Relief workers stationed in the field simply have no idea what material is going to be sent to them, and at what time.


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