See also What Is Mantra? Its effect is to inspire modern yogis to participate in the most ancient aspiration of illumination that connects modern yoga to the Vedic tradition. Read Original Bhagavad Gita. Chant the Gayatri silently or softly to yourself when you want clarity or to bring balance to the doshas.
Some say this mantra will help you avoid harm and bring you to a blissful state of being. The mantra is personified as the goddess Gayatri Devi , usually depicted as having five heads and 10 arms, with a swan as her vehicle. Gayatri is considered a form of Parvati , the wife of Shiva and, in some texts, as a form of Saraswati making her the second wife of Brahma , the creator. It is said that she can even be seen by those who have mystic vision, and she is the bestower of all knowledge to those who worship her regularly.
While there may be many kinds of bodyguards in the external world, you should never forget that the greatest and most important protection is that of Jagan Mata , mother of the universe. The repetition of the Gayatri Mantra with devotion and faith gives the spiritual seeker divine protection. It is said that worship of other forms of the mother goddess without the Gayatri is like worshipping other mothers and forgetting your own.
The Gayatri Mantra is also known as the Savitri Mantra , dedicated to Savitr , the sun deity, who represents the source, inspiration and life-giving force of the universe. Bhuh, Bhuvah, and Suvah are also referred to as the three worlds: earth, heaven, and inner space or existence bhur ; consciousness bhuvah ; and bliss swaha.
They serve as a kind of invocation to the Gayatri. The Gayatri itself contains 24 seed syllables:. All of wisdom, knowledge, and the entire Vedas are concealed in these 24 seed syllables.
They say that a whole lifetime is not enough to realize the hidden divine truths of any one of these seed syllables. One who has experienced the divine consciousness of these 24 seed syllables has nothing else left to hear, read, learn, or enjoy in this external world.
There are 70 million supreme mantras contained within the Gayatri Mantra. Of these, 10 million mantras are attributed to S h iva pure potentiality, the unmanifest , 20 million to the sun giver of life , 5 million to Ganesh a bringer of wisdom and remover of obstacles , 5 million to Vishnu balance and harmony , and 30 million mantras, more than all the others, are attributed to the mother divine, the goddess of supreme energy.
The Gayatri Mantra is the essence of all these 70 million mantras. Just as all rivers merge in the oceans, all mantras unite in the Gayatri Mantra. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra develops nada, a regular vibration in the channels of the subtle body, opening the various spiritual centers of your body. As a result, energy is awakened in the subtle body. Chanting the 24 seed syllables in the Gayatri Mantra generates a wondrous jhankar, a pulsating ringing so that a powerful energy flows from the chakras of the subtle body.
This endows you with Yoga Shakti , the energy of union with the divine. The Gayatri is best chanted silently or in a soft, sweet voice with a tranquil mind. As a result, your wishes, including those that have not been expressed yet, will all be fulfilled. Astrologically, the Gayatri protects her children from the negative influences of the rays of the nine planets, removing fear and helping you to successfully complete any task.
She also maintains balance between air, fire, and earth, the three qualities or doshas in the body, ensuring good health. There is nothing more purifying than the Gayatri mantra. By meditating on the Gayatri Mantra, you will gradually realize that the whole universe is the radiance of mother divine, witnessed as the embodiment of your own soul.
When you ascend to such an elevated state, you will never fall again. You will always be drenched in an ocean of divine bliss. This alone is the fulfillment of spirituality, which you can attain effortlessly by meditating on the Gayatri Mantra. This is why Gayatri is hailed as the mother of all mothers. The following is the standard version of the Gayatri Mantra , which is the one most commonly used, along with a phonetic pronunciation.
You are most welcome to share your views or even give us a tweet. Acknowledge the Divine Within. It is a mantra of Lord Vishnu. Among all sacred utterances, Om Namah Shivaya is the most prevalent mantra which has been recited by spiritual seekers for ages.
It means "O salutations to the auspicious one! It starts with Root Chakra and goes up to Crown Chakra. All you have to do is to sit in comfortable position, and as the music starts focus on the chakra This mantra is also known as Asthakshari Mantra and first appeared in the 'Sama Veda'. Cosmic Sound of 'OM' : The primordial sound vibration All frequencies I purchased. Can you allocate me the download links again that would be greatly appreciated.
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Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Submit Comment. Gayatri mantra is a prayer dedicated to illuminating our intellect. It is directed towards enlightening us — giving us immense knowledge. The mantra uttering serves three purposes: First, to give back to the sun — We show gratitude to the sun for sharing with us its energy.
We are aware of the importance of the sun, and the life it drives on the earth. Second, to seek enlightenment and wisdom — By meditating on the sun, we can illuminate our understanding of the world. And gain wisdom. Third, an expression of gratitude — We are living in this world at a good time. One who sings it, sails over the ocean of misery to go to bliss.
The Gayatri mantra is one of the greatest prayers mankind has. What does it say? Let me soak in the Divine, and let the Divine destroy all my sins. The Divine light that burns all sin, let me adore and soak in that Divine light.
And let the Divinity inspire my intellect. See, all our actions happen through our intellect, right? Thoughts come and then you act. So you pray to the Divine to bring good thoughts into your mind. Dhi means intellect. May my intellect be guided by, kindled by, and inspired by you Divinity.