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Guerrilla reveal new details on Horizon Forbidden West machines Beasts on the horizon. Altar of Storms 4 - 3. A corpse with the Magic Sword Makoto can be found. Depraved Chasm 5 Swamp of Sorrow 5 - 2. Rotting Haven 5 - 3.
Black Phantom Garl Vinland appears if stage is cleared. A ladder leading to the Istarelle spear appears in stage Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting? Submit Submit Close. Load more. Defeat stage Major Demon. Defeat stage archdemon. Defeat Primeval Demon. Defeat the Red Dragon.
Defeat the Blue Dragon. Defeat Old King Doran. Defeat Executioner Miralda. Defeat Black Phantom Executioner Miralda. Defeat Host Player. Revive Phantom Player. Defeat Scirvir, the Wanderer. Defeat Black Phantom Scirvir, the Wanderer. Defeat Lord Rydell. Defeat Black Phantom Rydell. Defeat Vanguard. Defeat Satsuki. Defeat Black Phantom Satsuki. Defeat Selen Vinland. Defeat Black Phantom Selen Vinland.
Black World Tendency also features its own characteristics and surprisingly, not all of them are bad. The biggest takeaway is that enemies drop more souls and rarer items while in Black World Tendency.
This is particularly useful to know while farming for materials, as some of them looking at you, Pure Bladestone are extremely rare. Remember, the numbers next to each entry represent one rank across the World Tendency spectrum - in this case away from White. While killing NPCs is easily avoidable, dying throughout the game is The important thing to note about this is that you only shift towards Black if you die in body form which is what happens when you defeat a boss or consume a Stone of Ephemeral Eyes.
Joseph loves Nintendo and horror games. With the Nintendo Switch, he's ready to get spooky anytime, anywhere. When he's not writing about video games he can usually be found petting his cats and listening to some Progressive Metal. He thinks Meshuggah is tight. Click here to edit contents of this page.
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