Some venues have their locations intentionally hidden for privacy reasons such as private residences. One of the categories will have a primary field indicating that it is the primary category for the venue. For the complete category tree, see categories. Returned as part of an explore result, excluded in search results. Not all venues will have a rating. If present, there is always a count , the number of people here.
If viewing details and there is a logged-in user, there is also a groups field with friends and others as type s. Groups may change over time. Contains a summary string representing the acting user's relationship to these lists. If an acting user is present, groups may include todos , created , edited , followed , friends , and others.
If this venue is on the acting user's todo list, those items will be included in the todos group. Sponsored Links. In this article: app , foursquare , mobilepostcross , software , swarm. All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links.
If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. If you have a phone that doesn't have a web browser, you can check in by sending messages to only available in the US. Lastly, anyone can check into Foursquare from the regular website. To make this easier, you can try the Firefox [No Longer Available] extension. The main idea behind Foursquare is to check into the places you visit e. You access the app on your phone by one of the many ways I've discussed and check into the venue you're at e.
Cafe , State College. Upon checking in, you will receive points and eventually badges - like being the Mayor of a Foursquare location.
These 'accomplishments' will be added to your profile for all to see. Add friends Gmail, Twitter, Facebook to compete against. Once you've added a friend, you can then see all of their check ins and total points accumulated.
Because you can check in from anywhere and there are points involved, you may want to consult the rules. Also, you can find a list of all the available Foursquare badges here. If you've been to a place more than anyone else, Foursquare will crown you "The Mayor" of that Foursquare spot. According to their website, they calculate 'mayorships' based on the most days with check ins in the past 60 days so 2 check ins to the same place in one day just count 1 time. If someone else comes along who has checked in more days than you, they will steal the "Mayor" title from you.
A lot of bars and cafes now offer "Mayor Specials", which is usually something like a free coffee or appetizer, or a discount of some kind. But Foursquare has heard user feedback and steadily recovered from that rocky relaunch.
Both apps have seen iterative improvements in recent months, and in May Foursquare confirmed that it would soon restore global mayorships to Swarm. Updates for both Android and iOS have officially arrived, and you'll likely discover that your recent check-ins already count toward earning you that coveted spot and mayor's crown. Swarm also now makes it easier to gloat on Facebook or Twitter whenever you take over a mayorship or receive another sticker. These are good changes to see, but they're also coming pretty late; Foursquare's no doubt hoping it can still bring back any users it lost with last year's big shift.
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