Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Practice mode x x x. Have you finished your recording? Yes No, I want to continue. Thank you for contributing Congrats! You've got the pronunciation of culebra right. Keep up. Seems like your pronunciation of culebra is not correct.
You can try again. Original audio Your audio Congrats! Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation?
Contribute mode x x x. Phonetic spelling of culebra Culebra. Irving Hessel. Karlie Bins. Add phonetic spelling Cancel. You are not logged in.. Meanings for culebra a small island off the coast of Puerto Rico with miles of beautiful beaches. Sienna O'Keefe. Add a meaning Cancel. Synonyms for culebra island 0 rating rating ratings.
Harry Johnson. Add synonyms Cancel. Wiki content for culebra Culebra. Culebra, Puerto Rico. Culebra Cut. Culebra Island giant anole. Culebra Formation. Driver killed in accident on Culebra, near Potranco. Emmanuelle Lynch. Felton Daniel. Munitions cleanup on Culebra advances, increasing safety for public recreational use.
Jenny Brits. Erling Hammes. Add a sentence Cancel. Italian : snake. Portuguese : cobra. Jatin Karnik. Trending news on culebra V. Supported by Washington, the domestic quota was cut from 90 days to If the "Y" Beach lot press their advantage they may cut off the enemy troops on the toe of the Peninsula.
At the reserve bank they may borrow as a standing right and not as a favor which may be cut off. It occurred to him then, for the first time, that a third resource was open—he might cut the rope, and let the kite go free!
My thought was to keep pushing in troops from "W" Beach until the enemy had fallen back to save themselves from being cut off. Levison's relations think he will cut up well at his death; Levison's relations are right. New Word List Word List. Save This Word!