How does religious tolerance affect you

The main causes of religious intolerance are as under-. In simple words, the person who has money can do anything in society. Intolerance arises when the difference between poor and riches increases instead of maintaining the difference. Then people become intolerant to handle anything regarding any problem or topic.

In every country the weaker section of society is exploited by the rich ones, based on religion and when such exploitation becomes intolerable people may come up with a war against it. Religious tolerance gives a negative impact on society as religious intolerance is increasing in India. India is a country that has given birth to religion like Hinduism and Buddhism, as the Indian Constitution declared India a secular republic as well.

Conclusion- The religious intolerance must be removed as it is not for the favour of society. It leads to the destruction of society as people are fighting based on religion. The government should do the favour and create awareness between the people regarding religious intolerance through awareness programs. Religious intolerance should be removed for the betterment of the society and in the nation. Religious tolerance is necessary for individuals within the society to get along, especially when a variety of cultures and people with different religious beliefs live in one community or nation.

When religious tolerance is practised, unity and consistency exist in society. Now the government must do all efforts to keep the citizens in peace and tranquillity. Hola, My name is Riya and i'm twenty. I have recently started working on a start-up which is basically for students and artist. I am also a researcher aswell as a content writer. Nishtha Kawrani. Akshay G Paraskar. This is lucidly explained in a Qur'anic verse. And they say none shall enter paradise unless he is a Jew or a Christian, these are their vain wishes.

Say 'Bring your proof if you are truthful; yes! Whosoever submits himself to Allah and he is a doer of good, for him there shall be his reward with his Lord, on such shall be no fear nor shall they grieve. The Jews say. Thus do those who know not [I. But Allah will Judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ.

While the Qur'an is opposed to sectarianism, it accepts that there are different ways of reaching the universal truth. Had God willed He could have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He hath given you. According to the Qur'an, revelation is universal, so God sent a revelation to all human beings and the main message of all revelations was one thing and it was monotheism.

If God wills, He could make them one and the same nation. Tabatabei, : Therefore, the plurality and diversity were due to the will of God. Accordingly, the Qur'an has never criticized the prophetic messages; rather, it has criticized the misunderstandings of some followers.

There is no verse in the Qur'an that annulled previous religions. According to the Qur'an, those who believe in God, believe in the Hereafter and do good deeds will be saved.

The Qur'an also confirms that Jews, Christians and Sabians will be rewarded. The prominent Traditionalist Seyyed Hossein Nasr is one of the Muslim scholars who proposes a pluralistic view to religious diversity. He is a proponent of the idea known as Perennial Philosophy 3 in Latin philosophia perennis.

Perennial Philosophy differentiates between inward and outward aspects of religions and believes in multiplicity of manifestations while considering the reality behind them as the same.

According to Perennial Philosophy, wisdom is essentially of divine origin, and knowledge is a sacred thing that God has given to man. In addition, Perennial Philosophy considers spirituality, commitment, and morality as other aspects of knowledge. Nasr writes:. By philosophia perennis This knowledge which is available to the intellect is, more- over, contained at the heart of all religions or traditions, and its realization and attainment is possible only through those traditions and by means of methods, rites, symbols, images and other means sanctified by the message from Heaven or the Divine which gives birth to each tradition.

Accordingly, Nasr maintains inner unity and outer multiplicity of religions. The Ultimate Reality manifests Itself in multifarious sacred worlds sometimes in mythical forms and at other times as "abstract" monotheism. Sometimes It manifests Its Names and Qualities in the sounds and forms of a sacred language and at other times as divinities symbolizing the various divine forces; hence the distinction between a polytheism aware of the Divine Unity transcending multiple sacred forms. He believes that what makes religions different is only the outward appearance not the Reality they all are issued from.

This view holds that there is a fixed thing that is the essence of all religions and traditions and does not change with temporal and spatial changes.

What changes is the theological form or expression of this wisdom. Each religion depends on the area and location in which it appears and the characteristics of people it comes for. Nasr says:.

Revelation is always given in the language of the people to whom God addresses Himself. Hence, doctrinal language play a great role in religious diversity. Only the doctrinal language differs from one tradition to another. According to Hick the origin of religious diversity is difference in experiences of the Ultimate Reality. Different people with different epistemic backgrounds have variant experiences of the Ultimate Reality; hence they form their own conceptions of god which are not the same as others.

In this view, different understandings are not genuine, because they are human made. So, to reach consensus, religions should leave their dogmatic position aside and try to be more convergent. This is the key to peace. So, all religions, by all their differences and as they are i. According to Nasr, modernity and globalization have brought us a situation where we should accept plurality of religions and respect them.

People in the past used to live in religiously homogenous traditional societies and usually did not encounter beliefs different from theirs.

Hence they considered their own beliefs as binding and accepted them in a dogmatic way. But today, this isolation is broken and people are facing different cultures and religions.

Nowadays, to ignore other traditions is difficult, if not impossible. Believing in Transcendent unity of religions helps us to respect other religions in peace. It is important to notice that Nasr talks about pluralism at the level of truth not only soteriological pluralism. Nevertheless, it can be argued that some religions may have gone through alterations to their truth through time, thus different religions may not be the same, when it comes to access to the truth, as well as salvation.

However, religions could still be considered as the same at the core level. Metaphorically, the Truth can be the tip of a mountain and religions are different paths to that tip; some are wide and easy to pass while others are narrower and harder, though eventually all will end to the top.

All of this is a denial of religious exclusivism and to have tolerance with others. And last but not least, the responsibility is on the intellectuals and the media to enlighten people to have better understanding of their faith in social aspects. People should be aware of peace as a primary universal human right. The media plays a central role in the public sphere to encourage people to have peaceful communications with each other.

As a peace journalist, they should identify, understand, and explain the roots of conflict and working against disinformation; providing balanced information from a variety of sources; and educate the public by offering principles of culture of peace.

In conclusion, we need a more peaceful world, in which a non-violent communication will be guaranteed. This paper suggests first, to teach peace discourse in society for the realization of a society free of violence and the culture of peace. Second, to avoid conflicts and violence in societies, cultural and religious pluralism should be accepted, interactions and friendships between people with different religions should be pursued, on the one hand, and to reject exclusivism and conflicts on the other hand.

Since religion is a crucial factor to secure peaceful world, as almost every war between the nations has involved wrong religious education, we strongly need to have a true interpretation of religious teachings. One of the main causes of misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the Islamic teachings is Fundamentalism, and the avoidance of rationality. Education in any society will play an important role in the cultivation of knowledgeable people and in the development of culture.

Because the human factor is the most important factor in the development, growth and development of a society. I have argued that there are many principles in Islamic teachings that provide a foundation for the culture of peace. The first, the acceptance of religious faith is optional. The second is Islam's emphasis on peace and non-violence as the primary law. The third principle is to pay attention to the spiritual self-awareness inherent in our human nature that can move people away from violence.

In spite of these principles of peace in Islamic cultural heritage, however Islamic teachings are misunderstood and mis- interpreted in some societies. The responsibility is on the intellectuals and the media to enlighten people to have better understanding of their faith in social aspects.

Cousins, N. Modern Man is Obsolete. New York: Viking Press. Galtung, J. Violence, Peace, and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research , 6 3 , Peace by peaceful means: Peace and conflict development and civilization.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Haar, G. Boston: Brill, Leiden. Ibn al-Jouzi, Y. Tagkarat al-Khavas. Al- Sharif al- Razi, Qom, Iran. Kung, H. Christianity: Essence, History, Future. Hick, J. The Philosophy of World Religions.

Scottish Journal of Fheology , 3. An Interpretation of Religion: human responses to the transcendent. Basingstoke: Macmillan. The Second Christianity. SCM Press. The Epistemological Challenge of Religious Pluralism. In Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Howard, M. Studies in War and Peace. New York: The Viking Press. Legenhausen, M. Islam and Religious Pluralism. London: Al-Hoda. McFague, S. An Epilogue: The Christian Paradigm. Hodgson and R.

King, eds. Philadelphia: Fortress. He omitted his presidency of the United States. And as framed in Philadelphia that year, the U. The men who fought the Revolution may have thanked Providence and attended church regularly—or not. But they also fought a war against a country in which the head of state was the head of the church. It was the recognition of that divisive past by the founders—notably Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Madison—that secured America as a secular republic.

For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.

As for Adams and Jefferson, they would disagree vehemently over policy, but on the question of religious freedom they were united. The belief widely held and preached by some of the most prominent ministers in America was that Catholics would, if permitted, turn America over to the pope. Anti-Catholic venom was part of the typical American school day, along with Bible readings. In Massachusetts, a convent—coincidentally near the site of the Bunker Hill Monument—was burned to the ground in by an anti-Catholic mob incited by reports that young women were being abused in the convent school.

At about the same time, Joseph Smith founded a new American religion—and soon met with the wrath of the mainstream Protestant majority. In October , after a series of conflicts over land and religious tension, Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs ordered that all Mormons be expelled from his state. In , a mob murdered Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum while they were jailed in Carthage, Illinois.

No one was ever convicted of the crime. Even as late as , Catholic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy felt compelled to make a major speech declaring that his loyalty was to America, not the pope.


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