How many people get plantar warts

Many people don't treat warts unless they are unsightly or painful. You can treat warts yourself with:. If your child has a wart, treatment probably isn't needed. That's because warts often go away on their own. But if the wart is on your child's face or genitals or is painful or spreading, your child should see a doctor for treatment. Otherwise, it is usually safe to treat a wart at home with duct tape or salicylic acid.

If the wart doesn't start to improve within 2 weeks, see your doctor. For more information, see Home Treatment. If you have diabetes or peripheral arterial disease, talk to your doctor before you try home treatment for warts.

It's important to distinguish a plantar wart from a callus before choosing a treatment. Wart treatment applied to a callus may be painful or create scar tissue. Plantar warts are often hard to treat because they lie beneath the skin.

A doctor may need to pare the skin over a wart to help the medicine penetrate the wart. The main way to prevent warts is to avoid contact with the human papillomavirus HPV that causes warts. If you are exposed to this virus, you may or may not get warts, depending on how susceptible you are to the virus. Home treatment is often the first treatment used for warts.

When done properly, home treatment is usually less painful than surgical treatment. If you are uncertain that a skin growth is a wart, or if you have diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, or other major illnesses that may affect your treatment, it is best to see a health professional.

Salicylic acid treatments are often effective. They aren't very painful, aren't very expensive, and usually don't cause scarring. Salicylic acid is a good treatment for children because it isn't very painful.

For treatment to be successful, salicylic acid must be applied on a regular basis, usually for a number of months. Folk remedies, such as rubbing a wart with a bean, may have an effect on a wart. But such treatment may simply coincide with the natural disappearance of a wart. If you decide to treat your warts, both nonprescription and prescription medicines are available.

Other medicines used for warts include 5-fluorouracil, which is more often used on genital warts , and cimetidine. Cimetidine can be taken by mouth orally or as an injection. As with any medicine, talk to your doctor before using a wart medicine if you are or may be pregnant. Some wart medicines may cause birth defects. Surgery is an option if home treatment and treatment at your doctor's office have failed.

Surgery for warts is usually quick and effective. No single surgical method is more effective than another in removing warts. Generally, doctors start with the surgical method that is least likely to cause scarring.

A wart may return after surgery, because surgery removes the wart but doesn't destroy the virus that causes the wart. The type of surgery used to remove warts depends on the warts' type, location, and size.

Curettage, electrosurgery, and laser surgery are more likely than cryotherapy to leave scars, so they are usually reserved for hard-to-remove or recurring warts.

If you have a large area of warts, curettage may not be an effective treatment. Cryotherapy , which uses a very cold liquid to freeze a wart, is the most commonly used procedure that doesn't involve medicine to treat warts. This procedure poses little risk of scarring but can be painful. Gabica MD - Family Medicine. Author: Healthwise Staff. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.

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What are warts, and what causes them? How are warts spread? What are the symptoms? How are warts diagnosed? How are they treated? But if you have warts that are painful or spreading, or if you are bothered by the way they look, your treatment choices include: Using a home treatment such as salicylic acid or duct tape. You can get these without a prescription. Putting a stronger medicine on the wart, or getting a shot of medicine in it.

Freezing the wart cryotherapy. Removing the wart with surgery electrosurgery, curettage, laser surgery. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health.

Decision Points focus on key medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Warts: Should I Treat Warts? Cause A wart develops when a human papillomavirus HPV infects the outer layer of skin and causes the skin cells to grow rapidly.

Can common warts on hands or fingers be spread to the genitals and cause genital warts? But common warts don't cause the type of genital warts that lead to high-risk cancers. Symptoms Warts occur in a variety of shapes and sizes. Common warts usually appear singly or in groups on the hands, although they may grow on any part of the body. They usually are rough, gray-brown, dome-shaped growths. Plantar warts can develop on any part of the foot.

You may also want to consider the cost of plantar wart treatments. Keep the area covered with a bandage, and avoid putting pressure on the wart site. Plantar warts are common and treatable. Warts are raised bumps on your skin caused by the human papillomavirus HPV. Warts have plagued humans for thousands of years. Try these seven methods for removing plantar warts before visiting a doctor, and find out the difference between plantar warts and calluses. Plantar calluses are extremely common, and not a cause for concern unless certain problematic symptoms arise alongside them.

Cryotherapy is a treatment that can be used to remove warts by freezing them. Warts can cause discomfort and pain, and you may not like the way they look. They can be spread to…. Looking for flip-flops on a budget, for arch support, or bunions? What causes foot pain at night? Here are the 8 most common causes and what you can do to treat and prevent them.

Pinky toe corns are pretty common foot complaints. There are several ways to remove them. We interviewed four experts on what to look for and what to avoid in a shoe if you have plantar fasciitis. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Treating and Preventing Plantar Warts. Anything that has had contact with a wart — your hand, a towel, a sock, the floor — can spread it. They are on your skin until they go away on their own or by removal.

Warts on the bottom of your feet, known as plantar warts, are the most likely type to give you any other trouble or symptoms. Because of their location — the soles, heels, toes and balls of your feet — plantar warts send you a painful reminder of their presence with every single step.

All that pressure also flattens the plantar wart. It ends up looking less like a wart and more like a callus. A plantar wart is painful when squeezed; a callus is not. Many people rub calluses with abrasive objects like pumice stones, nail files and emery boards to remove the thick, rough skin.

And that is not recommended for removal of plantar warts. Find a doctor. Best case scenario, no treatment is necessary. Just leave it alone. Like other warts, most plantar warts eventually go away on their own. It might just take a year or two.

If your plantar warts are painful or spreading to other areas of your feet, waiting is not an option. This can take several months and up to two years. A podiatrist has the skill and expertise to remove your wart without damaging healthy skin cells and can offer invasive and non-invasive plantar wart treatment options.

Electrocautery: The doctor numbs the foot in the area where the wart is located and uses an electric needle to remove it surgically. Both the virus and the wart are treated. This is the preferred method and the most successful. When the treatment is completed, there is no more pain. The virus is also much less likely to recur than with other approaches.

Cryotherapy: With this method, the doctor usually gives you a local anesthetic to numb the wart area. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the wart, causing a blister to form. It takes approximately a week for the deadened skin to slough away. Often, it takes a few treatments before the wart is completely gone. Salicylic acid: This is a prescription topical medication.

The physician may apply it in the office and then have you continue treatment at home. You also run the risk of the wart returning. You can prevent plantar warts by wearing shoes in public and wet places, such as around the pool or in public showers.

If you have a wart, refrain from touching it.


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