How can i be an openid provider

Users will be able to go to other websites and login using their existing credentials. This is only benefitial if there's a pretty good chance that people already have an account with your service. So, unless you're playing with the big boys Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc , I guess I don't really see the point. MattGrande You're right, but don't think in OpenID for getting authenticated everywhere, in any service in the world.

Just imagine you want to create some cloud services and you don't want to force everyone to re-register in any of them. Instead of creating my own "single sign-on" system, I'd prefer to use a common standard, so my products will be easier to understand and interoperate.

Show 3 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Hrishi Mittal 1, 10 10 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. Andrew Arnott Andrew Arnott I mean, if I integrate OpenID in my IoC container, can I pass credentials programatically and get logged-in the same way as an interactive login? DNOA merely implements the protocol. So yes, it sounds like it will work for you. Yes, I've been looking at the class library and so, and I found that.

Thank you very much for your useful info! In addition, I've marked your question as the right one, because I believe it answers accurately my concerns. Add a comment. NET if you're think you can do it, you can follow this: Lastly, and most challenging, is implementing custom support for OpenID in your software and account management tools.

But my question would always be: Why one more provider? Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Hey, thanks for this text, I really appreciate it. For example, if your tenant name were exampleco-enterprises , your Auth0 domain name would be exampleco-enterprises. Make note of this value; you will need it later.

Otherwise, you can configure the connection using the Management API. Optional fields are available with the New Login Experience only. These examples will show you the variety of ways you can create the connection using Auth0's Management API.

To use your new enterprise connection, you must first enable the connection for your Auth0 Applications. Now you're ready to test your connection. The OpenID Connect enterprise connection is extremely useful when federating to another Auth0 tenant. New tenants will have us as part of the URL. Tenants created before the regional domain addition will continue to work.

Was this article helpful? Any suggestion or typo? OpenID Connect uses a whitelist style system, so all applications must first be registered before they can request access our protected resources.

When using the implicit grant, all tokens will pass via the browser, so treat your tokens accordingly. We must also ensure that the token endpoint is disabled for the client.

Whilst this is a good security feature, it makes demos awkward. Scopes can be added to oidc-provider in two different ways, either by declaring them manually in the scopes configuration property, or by creating them implicitly in the claims configuration property. We can add some other identity scopes specified in the OpenID Connect specification by updating our Provider to the following:.

Here we are specifying our scope, for example profile , and then listing the claim types they can include. By default, oidc-provider offers stub functionality for user authentication, suitable for test purposes only.

This is in the form of a method that simply takes a user name provided and sets that as the subject claim the users unique identifier. There is no out of the box user store or credential checking. User store integration is handled by the findById configuration property of our Provider.

By default, it is:. Where accountId is the unique identifier for that account I imagine this would typically be the subject claim or a username. Claims can be returned as a Promise, and resolved at a later date. Find out about the OpenProject premium features to boost your project management.

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