Why c47 clothespin

Cs are still handy to have, but tunsten lamps are going the way of the dodo. Many lighting techs use LED fixtures these days as they are more reliable, take much less energy, and do not emanate much heat. Download our free eBook with 8 tips to get on the right track and create a video that you can be proud of. Log into your account.

Forgot your password? Password recovery. Recover your password. Get help. Home How To Hacks. Free eBook. We will email your free eBook. Sennheiser Microphones. Gaff Tape. Social Distancing Essentials. Cleaning Supplies. Ropes, Chain, Line. Foam Core. Seamless Paper. Cable Management. Bag Accessories. Broadcasting and Streaming. Student Store. Studio Essentials. Print Share. Add to Cart. Hence the nickname "bullet", as so many crew members clip a number of C47s to their utility belts, much like an old west gunslinger would carry extra cartridges which are often inaccurately referred to as bullets on his gun belt.

Search the Dictionary. Search for:. Suggest a correction Comment on this article Submit material for publication. A standard wooden clothespin that is used to attach gels to barn doors and other hot items. Skip to main content. Home Contact. Search form. You are here Home » Glossary » C Clothespin.


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